The Mining Explosion

Having already looked into the population of Blaengarw from the 1841-1911 censuses inclusive, I have attempted to carry out a similar approach for the other Garw mining communities. However, I have restricted my research to the population immediately before housing development, and immediately afterwards. Due to size of the project which I did not fully anticipate, I…

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Entombed in a drift: exciting rescue attempt.

All day Wednesday, and througout Tuesday, a band of miners made heroic efforts to extricate a man who had been buried by a fall at a new drift in a pit at Pantygog, in the Garw valley. The drift was being dug just below and old level,locally known as Peace & Plenty, by contractors for…

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Fifty Sheds of Grey

Back in the 70s the old Washery at Blaengarw was demolished to make way for a more modern building. I was lucky enough to get a job on the new site as a ‘handyman / teaboy’ which involved generally helping the site craftsmen, steel erectors, welders etc.

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Isaac and Priscilla Thomas: their story.

Written and researched by Maureen Browning & Sandra Hayes (nee Heycock) Isaac Thomas was born in1851, the son of David and Choice Thomas (nee Morris), and started his working life as a collier. He married Priscilla Rees on 25th May 1876 and by 1881 they were living in 4, Treharne Row, Pontyrhyl with one child,…

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