Do you have any information on this photograph? Can you put any names to these faces? We would appreciate it if you would please leave a comment so we can update our archives.
Charity No. 1187117
Do you have any information on this photograph? Can you put any names to these faces? We would appreciate it if you would please leave a comment so we can update our archives.
Far left clarice Burford Far right Gwyneth Ellis
Next to her Maud alixandra
Back row mrs Gillet second from right
thanks! have added this info to the photo….
Back row ? Then Mrs Fudge Mrs Gillette Mrs Blod Hutchings? Front row Mrs Burford Mrs Gwent Young? Mrs Florrie Elsbury Mrs Beatrice Jones Mrs Maud Alexander Mrs Gwyneth Ellis. All neighbours of King Edward Street,Blaengarw.