These comic newsy items appeared in the Glamorgan Gazette over many years a century ago, contributed by a Blaengarw schoolmaster under the pen-name Lloffwr Arall. The persons written about were never named but most readers would have known who the item referred to. During WW1 in particular they often provided light relief and a contrast to the dreadful news constantly being sent from the trenches.
Here are a few examples:
The Germans Have Arrived!
A young man had such a fright at three o’clock in the morning that he was heard to shout loudly: ‘the Germans have arrived!’. What had happened was that the legs of his bedstead had given way and he was left in the middle of the room with the bed having turned turtle.
Increased Ticket Sales
There has been considerable increase in the sale of 1d platform tickets in Pontycymer, most of them being bought by young men. Is this due to the new young lady selling the tickets?
Blaengarw Whistling Competition
The winner of the whistling competition in Blaengarw was awarded a packet of birdseed.
One such Garw Gleaning that I noted briefly was about a colliery worker whose pony died suddenly. It seems that the pony was looking over the workman’s shoulder whilst he was viewing his pay slip, and promptly collapsed! It was to be assumed by the readers that the pony realised how hard he was worked for his master to receive such a pittance!