Garw Gleanings

These comic newsy items appeared in the Glamorgan Gazette over many years a century ago, contributed by a Blaengarw schoolmaster under the pen-name Lloffwr Arall. The persons written about were never named but most readers would have known who the item referred to. During WW1 in particular they often provided light relief and a contrast…

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Unruly Language in a Public Place

FROM A 1914 EDITION OF THE GAZETTE. A woman was out shopping in the town recently when she came across a Co-Operative So- ciety van driver beating his horse. She called upon the man to desist at once, whereupon the van driver turned on her and demanded to know “What b—-y business is it of…

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Noisy Newspaper Seller

From the Glamorgan Gazette, 4th Dec 1914. William. H. Radcliffe, Schoolboy, Pontycymmer, was summoned to court for the ‘noisy selling of newspapers’. He was ordered to pay two shillings and sixpence! (about £10.47 in today’s money).

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