Garw Valley Society Farms Database

Exciting News! The Garw Valley Heritage Society is proud to announce a new project: a database of the farms of the Garw Valley. Our archivists have been working hard to compile this resource, and we invite you to take a look and share your thoughts. This is a work in progress, so be sure to check…

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Richard Price Returns

The Garw Valley Heritage Society is pleased to announce that the Richard Price exhibition will be available again to the public at Carnegie House, Wyndham Street, in Bridgend, CF31 1EF on Wednesday and Thursday, 18 and 19 October.

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The Wizards Of Wood Street

By Don Macivor During the 1930s the Pontycymmer Refuse Dump, was more commonly known as ‘The Ash Tip.’ This was located just below Park St, and the Bowling Green & Tennis club. All kinds of refuse was dumped there daily, but it was mainly ashes from all the coal fires in use at the time,…

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