Mr and Mrs John Wile of 1 the Avenue, Pontycymmer have 5 sons, all of whom have responded to their country’s call.
- Private David Wile, 2nd Batt: Welsh Regiment.
- Private Morgan Wile, Royal Field Artillery.
- Private Evan Wile, Royal Field Artillery.
- Private William Wile. Royal Field Artillery.
- Bugler James Wile, Bantams.
Private 27921. D. Wile. 18th Batt: Welsh Regiment was killed in action on 25/3/1918. He is commemorated on the Arras Memorial and of course on the new G.V. H.S. Roll of Honour and in our booklet.
All the others survived the war. Private Evan Wile R.F.A. went on to earn a D.C.M. in 1917.